Thursday, August 16, 2018

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is treatment for problems with speaking, language, and swallowing. It is given by a speech therapist, also called a speech-language pathologist. Speech therapy helps with using the voice properly and using the muscles to make the right sounds. It helps people understand language and express themselves. Speech therapy can also help a person learn to swallow again after a stroke or brain injury.

Speech therapy, or speech and language therapy, is treatment for problems with speaking, language, and swallowing. A person who gives this treatment is called a speech therapist or speech-language pathologist.

Speech therapy helps with the following problems:

  • Speech problems. These are problems with making the right sound, using the voice fully, and not straining.
  • Language and communication problems. These are problems with understanding language, expressing thoughts, or responding in a social situation.
  • Swallowing and feeding problems. These are problems with using the muscles in the mouth and throat to swallow.

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